
Project 1: TipToe Sole Store

This was my first attempt at creating a website using basic HTML and CSS to design an online shoe store for a fictional business. It taught me the basics of web development as part of my academic studies.

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Project 2: RaysMovieClub

A simple, mock, movie-review club website designed to learn React.js as part of my academic studies. Uses Google Firebase for the backend and uses elements such as React Bootstrap and React Router.

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Project 3: BraycedForUnbased

This was an inside joke where people record my interesting takes, such as not liking certain foods or weird crushes. A simple website was developed to "record" these takes. Uses Google Firebase for the backend and uses elements such as ReactBootstrap to render the data from the database.

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Project 4: ValidYTURLGen

Generates YouTube URLs using Javascript and actually validates them using the Google Cloud YouTube Data API V3.

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Project 5: AutoUserADCreator

Simple Microsoft PowerShell script which automatically creates users in existing OU's within an Active Directory forest. I had to make as part of my academic studies.

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